
Πέμπτη 7 Μαΐου 2020

Life is

Wake up to the real Life baby.
Not the imagined lifeless concept in your head about life.
Wake up to the Love. Not the illusory fear in your mind.
Wake up to the only reality.
Wake up to the wonder.
Wake up to the aliveness in you in the freshness of every moment.
Not the stagnant ideas and limited conditioning. Not the boredom and routine that sees your mind.
Life is not an idea life is real, life is not time or past and future life is now,
life is not thoughts or labels life is unfathomable by the mind.
Life is not stories life is fresh. Life is not an image or an identity life is infinite and limitless.
Life is not a system life is free. Life is alive, life is life. Life is ungraspable life is a Great Mystery.

Life is what you are. Wake up to the magick all around you and inside you!

Creation Date: 08/10/2019

Πέμπτη 16 Απριλίου 2020

Holy Wind

Ti glukos pou'nai o anemos otan erxetai. Poso ton xreiazomaste ki auton.
Poso mas gemizei me zwh. Ti omorfos Thee mou pou'nai o ageras sou.
Ta kanei ola  na xoreuoun. Ola xoreuoun san erxetai o anemos.
Poso ton laxtarw ton anemo. Poso agapw ton anemo sou agaph mou.
Erxetai kai me kanei na xoreuw. Xoreuw eleutherh gia xarh tou.
Zwhros, agrios, kruos ki anatrixiastikos, ieros k musthriakos.
Fusaei m'ormh k pairnei svarna ola ta kollhmena mou shmeia,
ola ta stagnant parts mou pairnoun zwh k strovilizontai..
All my stucked pieces rise and dance wildly with your gracious wild wind my love.
Ton laxtarw ton anemo sou agaph mou. San fusa o ageras sou xoreuw apo keinon k gia keinon...                 Xoreuw eleutherh pnigmenh mes'thn ekstash...
Murizei erwta o ageras sou mwro mou, murizei anastash
murizei gluko peismatariko thumo mikrou paidiou murizei zwh murizei kai thanato.
